Create a Clutter-Free Home Office with these 3 Easy Tips

Working from home can be challenging, especially if your desk or home office is cluttered and chaotic. You may find it hard to focus on your tasks and get things done efficiently. That's why organizing your desk or home office is a smart move that can boost your productivity and reduce your stress. Organizing your desk or home office means creating a space that is free of distractions and has everything you need to work comfortably. Here are some of the best tips to help you organize your desk or home office:

Sort out your papers

One of the most common sources of clutter on your desk is paper. Paper can pile up quickly and take up valuable space on your desk. It can also make it difficult to find the documents you need or to keep track of your projects. To avoid this, you should sort out your papers regularly and keep only the ones that are relevant and necessary. You can use a bookshelf next to your desk to store your active project files in an accessible way. You can also use stackable file trays to separate your papers by project or topic. This way, you can easily grab the papers you need without digging through a mess and is great for people who don’t like things out of sight in a filing cabinet.

Declutter your office supplies

Another step to organize your desk or home office is to declutter your office supplies. You may have accumulated a lot of office supplies over time, such as pens, pencils, staplers, scissors, etc. But do you really need all of them? And do they all work properly? To declutter your office supplies, you should take everything out and group them by category. Then, you should test them out and get rid of any items that are broken, dried up, or unused. You can donate any office supplies that are still in good condition but you don't need anymore to the St. Louis Teachers Recycling Center. You should keep only the office supplies that you use frequently at your desk using drawer organizers such as these from Target and move non-essential items to the bookshelf.

Organize your bookshelf or drawers

The last step to organize your desk or home office is to organize the items on your bookshelf or in your deeper drawers. These are the places where you can store the items that you don't use often but still need to keep, such as reference books, folders, binders, etc. To organize these items, you should use multipurpose bins from the Container Store or baskets that fit the size and shape of your bookshelf or drawers. You can label these bins or baskets with the contents so that you can easily find what you are looking for.

Watch the office organizing tips!

I was recently on a local St. Louis TV show sharing these Office Organizing tips for National Organize Your Desk day on January 8th.

Watch the full 5 minute segment here


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I do these 4 things daily as a Professional Organizer